Inspiring creativity and encouraging personal and social change through the arts

The Prison Arts Foundation is as important as it is unique. Thanks to our pioneering work with people with convictions lives are being transformed and patterns of behaviour changed for good.

Our team of experienced professional artists working across the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland are offering people with convictions a life-line, helping to improve their creative and communications skills, which is key to personal and social development, building self-confidence and unlocking people’s potential.

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2 Royal Avenue, Belfast

7 March – 2 April 2024

“PAF tries and encourages us to develop ourselves as well as our art. They see the talents we have but just never knew about”.

With Northern Ireland’s prison population on the rise, projected to increase to 2,000 by the summer of 2024, alongside a growing diversity in the complexity of the needs of prisoners, art as a means of self-expression has become more important than ever.

Reflections is Prison Art Foundation’s 2nd annual exhibition at 2 Royal Avenue Belfast, through the mediums of art, music and writing, selected works will explore various themes in relation to the criminal justice system.  Though the names of the artists aren’t known to protect their identities, the pieces are strikingly individual, translating the heightened emotions of life in prison and secure settings.

In conjunction with the exhibition, we are launching a collection of poems and narratives put together by our creative writing group in Magilligan prison.  The in-house guest editor notes that

“the theme ‘reflection’ set the groundwork for interpretation, acting as a catalyst, and precipitating the deep feelings brought to the surface that are shared openly with the reader.  I hope these writers’ thoughts will resonate with others in some way and show the reader we all have memories that deserve reflection.”

The exhibition is free to attend, opens daily from 10am-6pm and features Audience Feedback Cards, on which members of the public can write a response to the artworks, which will be shared directly with the artists, providing them with an opportunity to connect with people outside prison and secure settings.  When we sell artworks, a donation of 25% is made to Victim Support.

For media enquiries please contact Prison Arts Foundation at