Inspiring creativity and encouraging personal and social change through the arts

The Prison Arts Foundation is as important as it is unique. Thanks to our pioneering work with people with convictions lives are being transformed and patterns of behaviour changed for good.

Our team of experienced professional artists working across the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland are offering people with convictions a life-line, helping to improve their creative and communications skills, which is key to personal and social development, building self-confidence and unlocking people’s potential.

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Our People

Our People

Statement from Chairperson Oliver Brannigan

We are wedded, across the full spectrum of our endeavours, to the principles of partnership transparency and innovation. The Prison Arts Foundation is unique in its role within the Criminal Justice System as demonstrated by our independence and art interventions by contracted professionals across a wide range of artistic disciplines. The product of our output has won recognition and well merited awards both nationally and internationally, in addition our modus operandi has been lauded as a model of good practice within the European Criminal Justice community. Our approach is meant to be a catalyst for rehabilitation and positive community interaction by providing a conduit back into artistic and educational interest and skill for many whose previous experience and personal engagement with the formal education system left a lot to be desired.

PAF Chairperson

Those serving custodial sentences are afforded the opportunity and are facilitated by PAF to learn through participation and creativity to bring colour and mental vitality into the prison environment. Many of the essential life and employability skills encouraged by PAF are present in the social transformation associated with the creative processes as well as the very important concept of self-esteem.

PAF’s commitment to partnerships with other kindred organisations has produced outcomes which has benefited victims groups and other good causes but ultimately the majority of work finds its way back to prisoners’ families which in turn makes a worthwhile contribution to maintaining a very important positive link between the prisoner and his or her family.

For many years PAF has also provided a service to those serving non-custodial sentences in the community to this end we have a recognised presence across a wide range of Probation Board supervision interventions.

While we carefully monitor our own performance we fully subscribe to the belief that the efficiency of our actions should be visible and measurable by others both within and without the parameters of our operations. Our planning will always reflect this philosophy. The ultimate success factor in relation to our expended energies rests on the enthusiasm commitment and loyalty of our staff and contracted artists.  Of equal importance is the willingness of all other elements within the criminal justice to help us formulate and achieve our goals and objectives.

Board of Trustees

  • Oliver Brannigan

    Chairman (Former Chief Executive Probation Board Northern Ireland)

  • Harold Baird

    Treasurer (FCMA, CGMA, Management Accounting and Business Adviser)

  • Geoff Moore

    (Former Head of Learning & Skills, Lisburn Adult Education Centre Maghaberry Prison)

  • Tom McKeever

    (Former Head of Learning & Skills, Magilligan Prison)

  • Bríd Ó Gallchoir

    (Artistic Director at Aisling Ghéar)


  • Mr Fred Caulfield

    Executive Director

  • Ms Adele Campbell

    Arts Programme Coordinator

  • Mr Derek Lyons


  • Mrs Allison Moore


  • Mr David Johnston

    Support Hub Manager